Fredericton doctor told she has too many hospital patients, claims she's forced to move practice to Sussex

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Nouvelles du CSNB
janvier 19, 2018

Dr. Sunita MacMullin told CBC News she was leaving behind about 1,900 patients, although she's willing to see them in Sussex if they can get there. She claims she was moving because other members of her physician group wouldn’t provide backup for her, adding they told her she has too many hospital patients and the size of her workload was unacceptable. The New Brunswick Medical Society said there's no specific policy, standard or guideline for the size of a family physician practice in the province. Stéphane Robichaud, CEO of the New Brunswick Health Council, said if someone was designated to oversee physician groups, the allocation or patient loads would be done in a planned and co-ordinated way. Robichaud added it's up to an individual doctor, like MacMullin, to solve problems that arise.

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