Free podiatry clinic tested in B.C. found to reduce amputations

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janvier 08, 2018

The program in Abbotsford, B.C., is studying the impact of the free foot clinic to vulnerable patients in the dialysis unit. Poor circulation and neuropathy means these patients are prone to developing open wounds and infections, putting them at risk for amputation. Results from the three-year study indicate the free clinic reduced the number of leg amputations by half, echoing larger studies from the U.S. that show access to foot care reduces leg amputation in diabetics. Funding from the BC Renal Agency for the project ended at the end of 2017. A podiatrist at the clinic said the program is saving patients' legs while also saving the healthcare system money. B.C. used to cover podiatry care but it was delisted in 2002. Saskatchewan discontinued podiatry coverage last year, but low-income families and those on disability assistance or in a seniors' home are still covered. Alberta provides $250 per patient per year for podiatry, while Ontario pays up to $135 per patient per year. Podiatry is not covered in Manitoba, any province east of Ontario or in the territories.

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