U.S. health information collaborative rolls out initiative to share patient records across regional health information exchanges

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Expérience des soins
janvier 05, 2018

The Strategic Health Information Exchange Collaborative (SHIEC) rolled out an initiative that allows regional HIEs to share patient medical records across the nation. The Patient Centered Data Home (PCDH) expands several smaller regional implementations designed to allow HIEs to synchronize patient records and notify physicians when their patient experiences a health event away from home. It lays the groundwork for EMRs to follow patients across the 60 HIEs that make up SHIEC's membership. When a patient visits a medical facility away from the area where they live, the provider generates an admissions message that includes the patient zip code. PCDH uses that information to notify the treating physician that previous medical records for that patient are housed in another HIE. The system also alerts the patient's regular physician that a new record has been generated through a distant HIE.
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