Social pediatric hub opens in Ontario as interest grows globally

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Expérience des soins
janvier 09, 2018

The hub in Ottawa's Vanier Community Service Centre is described as a one-stop shop to go beyond medical expertise to keep children healthy. It takes into consideration their physical, mental, emotional and social needs. With every new patient, the child’s family gathers around the table with a team that would include a doctor, a nurse and social worker, but may also include a teacher, a police officer and a lawyer with expertise in the immigration system or tenancy law. Sometimes, even a city councillor, MPP or MP would be enlisted. Proponents of the service say it’s needed not for the lack of programs and services available, but because they exist in isolation, forcing families to consult a variety of services and providers with their children. There are currently 27 social pediatric hubs in Canada, with plans for a total of 40 within five years. One hub recently opened in Moncton, with plans for more in N.B. in the coming years. There has been interest from B.C. and jurisdictions in Europe.
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