Internet-based testing for STIs doubles uptake in U.K. survey

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Expérience des soins
janvier 02, 2018

E-STI testing is currently being implemented in the U.K. to meet increasing demand for STI testing. This trial, among people living in London, found offering internet-based testing for STIs nearly doubles the uptake of testing. As part of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine’s study, participants received one of two text messages. A control group was sent a text message with a link offering the locations, contact details and websites of sexual health clinics. The intervention group received a message linking them to a e-STI testing and results service, called SH:24. Results showed that, after six weeks, testing was increased in those offered the e-STI test by 50% compared to 26.6% in the control group. The proportion of participants diagnosed with an STI was 2.8% in the intervention group versus 1.4% in the control group.

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