Ont. law provides additional government oversight of seniors, private hospitals, LTC homes

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Expérience des soins
décembre 12, 2017

The Ontario legislature passed Bill 160, which aims to bring greater transparency to healthcare, including oversight of LTC homes and drug companies. Among the provisions in the law are:

  • Requiring the medical industry, including pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers, to disclose payments made to healthcare professionals and organizations;
  • Strengthening the inspection program for LTC homes with enforcement tools such as financial penalties and offenses for non-compliance;
  • Enabling paramedics to provide on-scene care and/or transportation to another facility that best meets patients' needs, allowing patients to receive care closer to home and in the community and address ER overcrowding;
  • Prohibiting the creation of new private hospitals in Ontario and enabling existing private hospitals to be designated as community health facilities or other facilities at a later date;
  • Requiring operators of community health facilities and medical radiation devices (such as X-ray machines, CT scanners, ultrasound machines and MRIs) to obtain a licence and enhancing the enforcement tools available to inspectors; and
  • Strengthening the protection of seniors through increased oversight powers of the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority, while increasing overall transparency, accountability and governance.

Related News:
L'Ontario adopte un projet de loi pour renforcer la transparence dans les soins de santé - Gouvernement de l'Ontario

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