Patient-centered tool developed in the U.S. aims to help measure value in healthcare using data-driven, consensus-based approach

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décembre 12, 2017

The Innovation and Value Initiative launched the Open-Source Value Project (OSVP) to develop open-sourced, patient-centered tools to help stakeholders make decisions about the value of treatment and services. It uses a consensus-based approach to determine value by incorporating the input of all stakeholders in healthcare. It started recently with the release of a tool focused on measuring value in treatments for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). For example, patient focus groups and reviews by patient researchers define factors in the model that can affect value from a patient's perspective, such as whether a drug is administered orally versus by infusion. The model will capture addotitonal evidence as it arises and the will becomes informed by clinical use. The approach means the documentation is freely available for others to use, analyze, revise, and even re-engineer.

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