Fraser Institute's annual report on wait times finds waits hit record-breaking 21.2 weeks

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Expérience des soins
décembre 07, 2017

Canadian patients now face the longest ever recorded wait times in over two decades of tracking by the Institute, with a median wait time of 21.2 weeks for medically necessary treatment. The study examines the total wait time faced by patients for 12 medical specialties from referral by a family doctor to consultation with a specialist, to when the patient finally receives treatment. Ontario recorded the shortest wait times, at 15.6 weeks, which is a slight improvement from last year. The only other province that saw wait times reduced was Newfoundland and Labrador, which dropped to 21.5 weeks from 26 weeks. The Maritimes didn’t fare so well. New Brunswick had the longest median wait times in Canada, at 41.7 weeks, followed by Nova Scotia (37.7 weeks) and P.E.I. (32.4 weeks). The Fraser Institutes reinstated waiting too long for important procedures can have consequences for patients, including lost wages, pain and worsened outcomes.

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