More than one-third of cancer deaths in the U.S. caused by potentially modifiable lifestyle factors

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Santé de la population
novembre 27, 2017

Nearly half of all cancer deaths and more than 40% of cancer cases are attributable to potentially modifiable lifestyle factors, according to a study published by the American Cancer Society. An estimated 42% of cancer cases included in the researchers' sample were linked to potentially modifiable factors. Cigarette smoking made up the greatest share of cancer cases and deaths, accounting for 19% of cases and 28.8% of cancer deaths. The second-leading lifestyle factor tied to cancer incidence was excess body weight, which accounted for 7.8% of cases and 6.5% of deaths, followed by alcohol intake, which accounted for 5.6% of cases and 4% of deaths.
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Cancer: 42% of cases down to risk factors you can change - Medical News Today