CIHI report finds number of opioid prescriptions rose 7% between 2012, 2016, but amounts dropping

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Santé de la population
novembre 21, 2017

A report from the Canadian Institute for Health Information determines that in 2016, 21.5 million prescriptions for opioids were dispensed in Canada, a 6.8% increase from 2012. However, the amount of the class of drugs dispensed dropped over that time by nearly 5% to 226 million daily doses. That works out to about 6,110 daily doses per 1,000 people nationally. CIHI says Quebec (3,601/1,000) and B.C. (5,406/1,000) had the lowest rates among the provinces, while Alberta had the highest, at 7,955/1,000. The report also finds that seniors had the highest rates of opioid prescriptions, with over 20% of them receiving at least one in FY2015-2016.

Related News:
Baisse de la quantité d’opioïdes délivrés au Canada et hausse du nombre d’ordonnances - ICIS
Doctors prescribing smaller amounts of opioids - but not in New Brunswick - CBC News
Health Canada eyes opioid restrictions for popular painkiller - The Globe and Mail

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