Human Development Council notes slight decline in youth poverty in N.B., highlights struggle to access basic needs

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Santé de la population
novembre 22, 2017

The Human Development Council’s report suggests the province continues to have among the highest youth poverty rates in the country. The report indicates one in five youth are living in poverty. The statistics are higher for Aboriginal youth in the province. The council says young people in the province are struggling to access basic needs. Statistics from the report show that more than 20% of children and youth aged 0 to 17 live in poverty, which is the fourth highest rate in the country. In 2015, the child poverty rate decreased in N.B. by 0.7%, continuing the decline of the year before. That year, the child poverty rate returned to the level of 2010. In absolute terms, the number of children living in poverty in the province dropped by almost 1,000 in that five-year period.

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