Canadian pharmacy association joins Choosing Wisely campaign, lists 'unnecessary' procedures

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novembre 21, 2017

In joining the Choosing Wisely campaign, the Canadian Pharmacists Association compiled a list of six common practices and therapies that may be unnecessary and could potentially harm patients. The CPhA's recommendations include:

  1. Don't use a medication to treat the side effects of another medication unless absolutely necessary;
  2. Don't recommend the use of over-the-counter medications containing codeine for the management of acute or chronic pain;
  3. Don't start or renew drug therapy unless there is an appropriate indication and reasonable expectation of benefit in the individual patient;
  4. Don't renew long-term PPI therapy for gastrointestinal symptoms without an attempt to stop or reduce therapy at least once per year for most patients;
  5. Question the use of antipsychotics as a first line intervention to treat primary insomnia in any age group; and
  6. Don't prescribe or dispense benzodiazepines without building a discontinuation strategy into the patient's treatment plan.

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