N.B. health experts call for hospitals to standardize reporting of youth alcohol intoxications

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Nouvelles du CSNB
novembre 23, 2017

The province's health networks found there were over 200 hospitalizations for people between the ages of 12 and 24 over the last five years due to alcohol intoxication. From 2012-2013 to 2016-2017, Horizon Health recorded 186 hospitalizations of teens and young adults due to alcohol. Vitalité found there were 36 such hospitalizations at its hospitals over the same time period. But the regional director of emergency services for Vitalité doesn't believe the data accurately reflects reality since the two health networks don’t have standardized systems to accurately report this data. Stéphane Robichaud, CEO of the New Brunswick Health Council, said he agreed that standardization of hospital data is important to more accurately capture this and other health issues.
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