EU survey: Policies to make health systems efficient, sustainable support prevention, primary care and patient-centred approach

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novembre 29, 2017

The report by the OECD and WHO on State of Health in the EU suggests more prevention, improved primary care and an integrated, patient-centred approach is the best way to making health systems resilient. The WHO also states that all this needs to be supported with better data. The recommendations follow the publication of country profiles that highlight a disparity in investment and performance across Europe. The profiles highlight how rising demand can strain even the best resourced systems. It points to innovations that can help primary care offer a wider range of treatments and take care of conditions previously addressed only by specialized care or in hospitals. These include tailored diagnostic devices that can reduce hospitalization and waiting times. Home-based devices such as a 24-hour electrocardiogram are also found to enable patients to significantly reduce the time they spend in provider facilities.

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