IHI highlights 10 innovations to improve healthcare through collaborative frameworks

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octobre 31, 2017

This Institute for Healthcare Improvement publication highlights 10 ideas that emerged from its 90-day innovation approach, including reflections on the Triple Aim, the concept of a healthcare Campaign, the Breakthrough Series Collaborative model and other frameworks and fresh thinking that have been replicated around the world. The 10 ideas are:

  1. Breakthrough Series Collaborative Model;
  2. Framework for Spread and Scale-Up;
  3. Evidence-Based Care Bundles;
  4. Patient Flow;
  5. IHI Global Trigger Tool for Measuring Adverse Events;
  6. 100,000 Lives Campaign;
  7. IHI Triple Aim;
  8. IHI Open School;
  9. A Framework for Achieving Health Equity; and
  10. Continuous Value Management.
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