Australian government plans to hold the medical records of every citizen with My Health Record rollout

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Expérience des soins
novembre 07, 2017

The Australian government allocated hundreds of millions in its 2017-18 Budget for the rollout of its My Health Record (MyHR). It’s hoping most Australians will take part but it will give them the choice to actively opt out. The country’s Australian Digital Health Agency is working with vendors to develop a scalable and secure electronic messaging between providers. It also initiated a pilot project for the use of MyHR in hospital ERs. Large private sector medical service providers are also joining MyHR. Concerns over privacy are being raised, as critics of the project fear there will be too much personal information potentially falling into the wrong hands. The information in MyHR will include:

  • Shared Health Summary prepared by an individual’s provider;
  • Event Summary any healthcare event relevant to ongoing care;
  • Discharge Summary covering transfer of a patient from a hospital back to care;
  • Specialist Letter about specialist visits;
  • eReferral from GPs to specialists; and
  • Prescription and Dispense Records.
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