Ontario Patient Ombudsman report highlights patient fear of reprisal when lodging complaint

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Expérience des soins
novembre 10, 2017

This is the first annual report by the province’s Patient Ombudsman Christine Elliott, who received approximately 2,000 complaints from patients, their families and caregivers between 2016 and 2017. The report encourages patients and their families to continue to come forward with their concerns as it highlights many expressed reservations about lodging a complaint. Of the majority of the complaints fielded, 70% related to hospitals, 20% related to home care and 10% were related to long-term care. The top five issues flagged were inappropriate discharge, miscommunication or lack of communication, difficulty accessing service, poor care, and understanding and improving policies and procedures.

Rapport de l'Ombudsman des patients - Courageux: écouter, apprendre, diriger

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