Australian report outlines reform options for residential aged care funding

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octobre 19, 2017

The Australian Government says a report into aged care funding highlights several options to modify the country's residential care funding instrument. The government will use the Review of the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) to inform its continuing aged care reforms. The report reviewed ACFI and suggests ways to improve the current tool, including potential modifications that could be made to:

  • Reduce subjectivity in the needs assessment process;
  • Deliver a more accurate and reliable assessment that is not open to 'gaming';
  • Be consistent with contemporary care practices; and
  • Support the assurance and validation process for ACFI claims.

The report says the recommended changes will result in:

  • Improved objectivity in the assessments used;
  • Standardization of the information requested;
  • Further provision of evidence to support resident needs assistance level claimed;
  • A standardized method for checking the accuracy of claims; and
  • Improved claim review efficiencies.

The next step involves investigating the drivers of residential care costs, according to location and the varying needs of individuals in care.

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