Report: Better use of PAs would result in $1B in healthcare efficiency gains by 2030

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octobre 26, 2017

A report from The Conference Board of Canada recommends healthcare systems make better use of physician assistants (PA) to alleviate increased demand for physician services, decrease wait times and mitigate health workforce shortages. Hiring more PAs and integrating them into healthcare teams, the board contends, could save the healthcare system up to $1 billion from efficiency gains by 2030. However, the report notes barriers to PAs include regulation and data tracking issues and suggests governments increase the number of spaces available for PAs in post-secondary institutions and provide more funding for training programs.

Autres nouvelles:
Des adjoints au médecin pour soulager les services de santé du Canada - Le Conference Board du Canada
Le Canada a besoin d'AM - Association canadienne des adjoints au médecin
Canada needs PAs!: Canadian Association of Physician Assistants - Canadian Association of Physician Assistants

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