Governments should provide more funding for informal caregivers: CMA

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octobre 26, 2017

The CMA presented recommendations to a Parliamentary committee studying how to adapt the healthcare system to meet the challenges of a rapidly aging demographic. With the seniors population expected to double in the next three decades, the CMA suggests governments do the following:

  • Invest in residential care infrastructure and implement operating principles for home care to include funding for caregivers and respite care;
  • Target funding to support the development of a pan-Canadian seniors strategy to address the needs of the aging population;
  • Formulate a pharmaceutical strategy that addresses coverage of essential medicines and programs to encourage optimal prescribing and drug therapy;
  • Increase collaboration between governments and with private insurers to develop a framework for the funding and delivery of home care and LTC services;
  • Identify best practices in the care of seniors and monitor the impact of interventions on health outcomes and costs; and
  • Promote physical activity, nutrition, injury prevention and mental health programs among older Canadians.

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