Institute for Healthcare Improvement recommends measures, guidance to improve hospital-wide patient flow

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Expérience des soins
octobre 31, 2017

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement's white paper is directed at hospital leaders and quality improvement teams who want to improve hospital-wide patient flow. The report examines patient flow, theories for improvement, and high-leverage strategies and interventions, and includes:

  • A systems view of hospital-wide patient flow, including flow within the hospital (among departments and units), as well as flow into and out of the hospital from and to other care settings;
  • Application of IHI's Will-Ideas-Execution framework to system-level improvement of patient flow;
  • Change ideas, organized by three approaches for improving flow:
    • Shape or reduce demand;
    • Match capacity and demand;
    • Redesign the system;
  • Recommended flow measures for the overall hospital system, as well as for specific departments and units; and
  • Guidance on developing a portfolio of improvement projects to support hospital-wide goals for patient flow, and for creating an action plan to get started.

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