Newfoundland and Labrador launches cancer care registry to improve screening programs, decision-making

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Expérience des soins
octobre 31, 2017

The Newfoundland and Labrador Cancer Care Registry (NLCCR), a database combining five programs already in operation or under development within the Provincial Cancer Care Program, has been launched by Eastern Health in hopes of improving care for cancer patients. The five programs are the colon, breast and cervical screening programs and the provincial tumour and systemic therapy surveillance programs. The NLCCR aims to improve care for cancer patients by:

  • Providing information to support decision making and identify priorities in healthcare; 
  • Collecting information to better understand cancer risks and the effects of cancer; 
  • Measuring change over time; 
  • Positively impacting cancer care delivery, research and policy; and 
  • Improving delivery of screening programs. 

Related News:
Newfoundland and Labrador Cancer Care Registry launched by Eastern Health - The Telegram