Ottawa budgeting $36M for marijuana education, awareness campaign

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Expérience des soins
octobre 31, 2017

Over the next five years, the federal government will spend up $36.4 million on education initiatives surrounding the health and safety risks of marijuana use, as well as drug-impaired driving. The programs will target so-called priority populations, such as youth, Indigenous people' pregnant and breastfeeding women and people with mental illness. The funding is in addition to an initial five-year, $9.6-million commitment on public education and awareness announced earlier this year.
Autres nouvelles:
Le gouvernement du Canada investit dans l’éducation et la sensibilisation au sujet du cannabis - Santé Canada
Les Néo-Brunswickois pourront consommer de la marijuana à 19 ans - ICI Radio-Canada
L’âge légal pour la consommation de cannabis à des fins récréatives annoncé - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick
Legal age for recreational cannabis announced - Government of New Brunswick
Health Canada to receive bulk of federal government's funding for marijuana legalization - Financial Post
Ottawa spending $36.4M over 5 years on campaign about perils of legalized pot - CBC News
Feds announce $36.4M public education campaign on legalized pot - CTV News

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