Health ministers conclude meeting with actions on opioids, universal pharmacare

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octobre 23, 2017

Federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) Ministers responsible for health recently concluded their meeting in Edmonton, Alberta, discussing several topics, including efforts to address the overdose crisis, increase the accessibility and affordability of pharmaceuticals, and protect the health and safety of Canadians in relation to legalization and regulation of cannabis. Improving Indigenous health outcomes remains a key priority for Health Ministers, who met with leaders from National Indigenous Organizations to address gaps in Indigenous health outcomes. Health ministers also reinforced the bilateral agreements to address shared health priorities by working with the Canadian Institute for Health Information to develop common indicators to demonstrate meaningful progress. The ministers also expressed their commitment to improve the pharmaceutical systems in the areas of affordability, accessibility and appropriate use. They'll instruct their officials to develop evidence-based options - with associated costs, a formulary, and implementation considerations. Regarding pharmaceutical industry transparency, the ministers said they're exploring options to strengthen transparency on the pharmaceutical industry's provision of payments to healthcare practitioners and organizations.
Autres nouvelles:
Communiqué FPT - Réunion des ministres de la Santé (RMS) - CNW
La crise des opioïdes inquiète, mais suscite peu d'actions concrètes  -
Time to bulk-buy medical equipment, Manitoba tells summit of health ministers - CBC News
Provincial health ministers secure federal support to study universal pharmacare - Edmonton Sun
Health Canada increases project's funding to include opioids in developing treatment approaches for problematic substance use - Health Canada
Santé Canada augmente le financement versé à un projet pour inclure les opioïdes dans l'élaboration d'approches de traitement de la consommation problématique de substances - Santé Canada

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