Pediatric health advocates call for protections should MAiD legislation be extended to 'mature' minors

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Expérience des soins
octobre 26, 2017

As the federal government contemplates extending medical assistance in dying (MAiD) legislation to mature minors, the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) issued a position statement calling for safeguards the protect children. A CPS spokesperson contends that assessing a minor's capacity to make a decision where death is a possible outcome is complex, adding that protocols need to be clearly understood by the patient's clinical team and parents. She points out that the CPS conducted two surveys to gauge members' views on the issue:

  1. A survey by the Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program says healthcare professionals are increasingly being approached by the parents of infants and children, including those too young to make a reasoned decision; and
  2. survey of CPS members revealed that almost one-half of respondents were in favour of extending the MAiD option to mature minors experiencing progressive terminal illness or intractable pain.

Autres nouvelles:
Document de principes: L’aide médicale à mourir : le point de vue des pédiatres - Société canadienne de pédiatrie
La loi sur l’aide médicale à mourir doit protéger les enfants; d’autres consultations s’imposent - Société canadienne de pédiatrie
Pediatricians 'increasingly' being asked about assisted death for kids: survey - The Canadian Press

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