Ontario framework aims to serve as blueprint for what senior friendly care should look like across healthcare system

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Expérience des soins
octobre 23, 2017

The Senior Friendly Care (sfCare) Framework has been launched by the Regional Geriatric Program (RGP) of Toronto in collaboration with provincial stakeholders, including older adults, caregivers, and care providers. The framework builds on the Senior Friendly Hospital (SFH) Framework with the goal of senior friendly care to improve health outcomes for older adults. The sfCare Framework provides guiding principles and defining statements directed at healthcare organization and providers, and is intended to foster improvements in care across the system and inspire greater collaboration between older adults and their caregivers, care providers, and organizations. Its developers encourage administrators and care providers in healthcare organizations across the continuum (hospitals, long term care, primary care, and community care) to reflect on the current structures they have in place for the care of older adults, and how they align with the framework.

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