HQO report finds palliative care, managing caregiver distress needs improvement in Ont.

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Expérience des soins
octobre 23, 2017

A report from Health Quality Ontario says that while residents of the province are living longer and getting cancer surgeries in a timely fashion, there's room for improvement for the province's healthcare system, particularly as it pertains to the following areas:

  • More hospital beds occupied by patients waiting for care elsewhere;
  • An increase in distress among informal caregivers;
  • An inability to receive timely palliative care; and
  • Inequities by income for colorectal cancer screening.

The HQO adds that in comparison with other jurisdictions, Ontario fared the worst on the measure of patients' ability to get an appointment with a primary care practitioner either the same day or the next day when sick.
Autres nouvelles:
Un coup d'œil sur le système de santé de l'Ontario - Qualité des services de santé Ontario
Rapport À la hauteur 2017 - Qualité des services de santé Ontario
Blogue: Mesure des lignes de faille du système - Qualité des services de santé Ontario
Blog: Measuring the system's fault lines - Health Quality Ontario
Ontario's healthcare system performance 'mixed:' provincial agency report - CBC News

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