Canadian health coalitions call on governments to renegotiate health accord

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octobre 18, 2017

A report from Canada's Health Coalitions contends the recent bilateral health agreements promoted by the Trudeau government have come at a huge cost. The report provides a province-by-province breakdown of the shortfall between the funding contained in the bilateral deals and the level of funding required to maintain current public healthcare services for the next 10 years. The coalitions are calling on the federal, provincial, territorial to return to the negotiating table. They would like to see:

  • The federal government agree to pay their fair share and commit to meeting the real costs of healthcare, which the report says requires at least a 5.2% CHT escalator;
  • The federal, provincial, and territorial governments reaffirm their commitment to the Canada Health Act and the federal government enforce the Act;
  • Both levels of government commit that public healthcare funding is spent on public healthcare and build capacity to reduce wait times and implement national standards; and
  • A national drug plan, a seniors' care plan and improvements in mental healthcare.

Autres nouvelles:
Un nouveau rapport national illustre le coût énorme de l’échec des négociations d’un nouvel accord sur la santé - Les coalitions de la santé du Canada
Un sous financement fédéral de 31 milliards $ forçant le recours au privé - Coalition Solidarité Santé
New report: Nova Scotia facing $993 million dollar healthcare funding shortfall - Nova Scotia Health Coalition

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