European Commission held public consultation on digital healthcare innovation, policy

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octobre 17, 2017

The European Commission has wrapped up a public consultation on the transformation of healthcare in the Digital Single Market and the need for policy measures that will promote digital innovation for better healthcare in Europe. It will instruct a Policy Communication to be adopted by the end of 2017. The consultation collected views on:

  • Cross-border access to and management of personal health data;
  • A joint European exploitation of resources (digital infrastructure, data capacity), to accelerate research and to advance prevention, treatment and personalized medicine;
  • Measures for widespread uptake of digital innovation, supporting citizen feedback and interaction between patients and healthcare providers.

The Digital Single Market Mid-term review proposes that the European Commission adopts a Communication address the need and scope for digital healthcare measures, focusing in particular on:

  • Citizens' secure access to their EHRs and the possibility to share these across borders;
  • Support data infrastructure to advance research, prevent diseases and personalize health and care in key areas; and
  • Facilitate feedback and interaction between patients and healthcare providers and empower people to take responsibility for the management of their own health.
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