New Brunswick offers Medicare coverage to international students

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Expérience des soins
octobre 06, 2017

The provincial government says international students studying in New Brunswick will now have access to Medicare. International students who have a valid study permit and provide proof of full-time registration as a student at a university or college, as well as their spouses and dependants, will be eligible for coverage. The province estimates the change will affect 3,000 full-time international students and cost between $275,000 and $325,000 per year.
Autres nouvelles:
Assurance-maladie maintenant disponible pour les étudiants internationaux - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick
Assurance maladie: Soupir de soulagement pour les étudiants internationaux - Radio-Canada
International students get Medicare coverage - Times & Transcript
New Brunswick government extends medicare to international students - CBC News

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