New Brunswick government holding community information sessions on primary healthcare, Medavie Health Services

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octobre 10, 2017

The provincial government will hold nine community information sessions across the province regarding primary healthcare that will focus on plans to have Medavie Health Services New Brunswick manage the operations of Ambulance New Brunswick and the Extra-Mural Program, and leverage the services of Tele-Care 811 to improve co-ordination of these services. Representatives of the government and Medavie will participate, as will healthcare professionals, will take part in the events.
Autres nouvelles:
Séances d’information communautaires sur les soins de santé primaires - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick
Privatisation en santé au Nouveau-Brunswick : « On est en train de se faire plumer » - ICI Radio-Canada
Privatisation du service extra-mural: Inquiétude chez les aînés - Radio-Canada

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