WHO Europe calls for rethinking of investments in public health policies

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octobre 04, 2017

The WHO Regional Office for Europe's scoping review looked at what actions governments across the region need to make to address the growing public health, inequality, economic and environmental challenges in order to achieve sustainable development (meeting current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs) and to ensure health and well-being for present and future generations. The report identifies three pathways through which investment for health and well-being drives (directly through the health sector) and enables (indirectly through other sectors) sustainable development:

  1. The health and security pathway through increasing life expectancy, improving quality of life, building human capital, enhancing labour productivity and activity, and ensuring national and global health security;
  2. The social and equity pathway through reducing the health gap along the social gradient and gender, building social capital, creating political stability, and achieving employment equity for women, young people and the poorest; and
  3. The economic and innovation pathway through direct, indirect and induced economic effects, such as providing employment and decent jobs, building skills, establishing infrastructure, creating competitive medical services and technological innovations driving sustainable production and consumption.

The report also lays out 12 key public health policies for priority investment that demonstrate strong social return on investment (SROI) and hence benefit sustainable development.
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