Ontario to publicly fund structured psychotherapy for people with mild to moderate anxiety, depression

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octobre 02, 2017

As part of Ontario's commitment to develop a provincewide, publicly funded psychotherapy program, the provincial government is investing in the following programs to help more than 100,000 people treat mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression:

  • In-person individual and group psychotherapy counselling programs coordinated through Ontario's four specialty mental health hospitals in partnership with community-based providers. These programs will be provided through local primary care providers and community mental health agencies, and will also be available remotely through the Ontario Telemedicine Network;
  • Bounce Back, a coaching program managed by Canadian Mental Health Association Ontario, which includes telephone support and instructional workbooks that help people learn skills to address problems related to moderate depression and anxiety; and
  • Online mental health self-management tools coordinated by the Ontario Telemedicine Network.

The programs will roll out province-wide over the next three years. The provincial psychotherapy program will make Ontario the first province to provide publicly funded structured psychotherapy to help people with mild to moderate anxiety and depression. The province will also provide an additional funding of $72.6 million over the next three years to support psychotherapy programs.
Autres nouvelles:
L'Ontario améliore les services de santé mentale pour la population de la province - Gouvernement de l'Ontario
Groundbreaking begins for next phase in boldest redevelopment in CAMH history - Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Ontario to spend $72.6M over 3 years on psychotherapy - CBC News

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