U.S. institute offers toolkit to help nurses integrate genomics in patient care

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Expérience des soins
septembre 19, 2017

The U.S. National Human Genome Research Institute launched a website to help nurses and other health professionals looking to integrate genomics into patient care. The Method for Introducing a New Competency Genomics (MINC) website is an online toolkit equipped with more than 100 resources, providing resources for nursing leaders at all levels of genomics competency, ranging from basic knowledge about genomics to its practical impact on healthcare systems and policies. The resources can help practicing nurses care for patients undergoing genomic testing and treatments, build awareness in their communities, and understand how to prepare their workforce for emerging clinical applications. Structured in a Q&A formet, the tool allows users to tailor their interventions based on the resources that will work best for them in their clinical setting. The site includes video testimonials from health administrators and educators describing how they overcame barriers as they developed the necessary genomics knowledge to offer personalized care to their patients.

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