CMA subsidiary teaming up with Ont. startup to bring VR to medicine

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Expérience des soins
octobre 05, 2017

Joule, the innovation accelerator company set up by the Canadian Medical Association, is collaborating with Cloud DX, an Ontario company specializing in digital healthcare and AI that wants to bring mixed-reality technologies to the healthcare field by 2019. The startup developed the Vitaliti monitor, a wearable that continuously tracks patients' vital signs, collects data on symptoms and uses AI to diagnose up to 19 health conditions. The partners are working on a mixed reality application for clinical triage and decision support, that when connected to Microsoft's HoloLens, will enable clinicians to see a live, 3D holographic display of patients' vital signs.
Autres nouvelles:
Joule, société de l'Association médicale canadienne, fait équipe avec Cloud DX pour offrir la réalité virtuelle au sein des hôpitaux dans un avenir prochain - Cision

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