New Brunswick's Council on Aging calls on province to speed up implementation of seniors' plan

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Expérience des soins
octobre 05, 2017

The co-chair of New Brunswick's Council On Aging is calling on the provincial government to take a more urgent approach to the council's aging strategy recommendations, while the Department of Social Development says work is underway and a roundtable is being assembled to help oversee the 77 recommendations the council believes will help improve the lives of aging residents. Premier Brian Gallant said the province will create an aging secretariat and a roundtable on aging to support the implementation process. Ken McGeorge, who served as a co-chair for the council, said there hasn't been much action on the main platforms in a roadmap provided to government earlier this year. Action items suggested in the report include the development and implementation of a provincial dementia strategy to align with a proposed national plan, stronger guidelines to resolve overmedication, and the implementation of several electronic health information systems. Other platforms include addressing serious systemic issues or challenges for people who work with aging citizens in the province.

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