CPSI calls for added investments in patient safety to reduce long-term costs

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Expérience des soins
septembre 26, 2017

The Canadian Patient Safety Institute' The Case for Investing in Patient Safety makes the case that investing in patient safety now will result in healthcare savings down the road, both in terms of patient harm and money. The report estimates that over the next 30 years:

  • 12.1 million Canadians will be harmed by the healthcare system;
  • 1.2 million Canadians will lose their lives to a patient safety incident within acute and home care settings;
  • Patient safety incidents will cost the health care system $82B (not counting inflation); and
  • There could be roughly 400,000 average annual cases of patient safety incidents costing around $6,800 per patient and generating an additional $2.75 billion in healthcare treatment costs per year.

The report also points to preliminary information on the CPSI's programs, indicating that over the course of the Safer Healthcare Now! program, the mean rate of catheter line infections decreased from 2.4 per 1,000 catheter days to 1.5.
Autres nouvelles:
Un nouveau rapport plaide en faveur de l’investissement en sécurité des patients - Institut canadien pour la sécurité des patients
Le bien-fondé d'investir dans la sécurité des patients - Institut canadien pour la sécurité des patients
Grey Matters: Medical mistakes made on patients must be red-flagged - National Post
New survey finds 21% of Americans report personal experience with medical errors - Business Wire

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