New Brunswick added 43 physicians in northern part of province, 52 in Saint John region since 2014

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septembre 18, 2017

The provincial government says 43 physicians have been hired in the Restigouche and Acadie-Bathurst zones of the Vitalité Health Network since Sept. 2014. Of the 43 doctors, 18 are general practitioners and 25 are specialists. The recruitment represents a net increase of six physicians in the region compared to three years ago. Additionally, the province said a total of 52 new physicians have been hired in the Saint John region since Sept. 2014. Of the 52 doctors, 21 are general practitioners and 31 are specialists. This represents a net increase of eight physicians in the region compared to three years ago. Step being taken by the government to enhance doctor recruitment initiatives includes working with partners such as the Department of Health, the regional health authorities and the New Brunswick Medical Society. The department has also hired a recruitment co-ordinator who is overseeing these efforts.
Related News:
Un meilleur accès aux médecins dans le nord du Nouveau-Brunswick - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick
Un meilleur accès aux médecins dans la région de Saint John - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick
Medical Society said more needs to be done to retain doctors - CBC News
Province attracting top-end docs, but vacancies linger - Telegraph-Journal (sub. req.)

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