Manitoba government seeks public, provider input on mental health, addictions strategy

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septembre 18, 2017

The provincial government is inviting Manitobans to take part in surveys on mental health, substance use and addictions challenges as the province develops its mental health and addictions strategy. Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Kelvin Goertzen said the input will help develop a strategic plan that will improve access to and coordination of mental health and addiction services in the province. One survey targets individuals and families that have had experience with mental health or substance use and addictions challenges, and the other targets service providers. Questions focus on service access and coordination in a person's community, and the strengths and challenges in their community related to the mental health and addictions service systems. Consultants will develop a strategic framework with recommendations for a strategy. with a draft report expected by Dec. 31 and the full report expected by spring 2018.

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