Canadian Patient Safety Institute named WHO Collaborating Centre for Patient Safety, Patient Engagement

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septembre 17, 2017

The Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) has been designated as World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Patient Safety and Patient Engagement, tasked with carrying out activities in support of WHO programs internationally. There are more than 800 WHO Collaborating Centres from 80 countries, including 31 from Canada. CPSI is the only one in Canada with a focus on both patient safety and patient engagement. Over the next four years, CPSI will provide policy, strategic and technical advice and consultation on various WHO initiatives, as well as support for the development, adaptation, spread, and evaluation of patient safety tools and resources at a global level.
Autres nouvelles:
L'ICSP désigné Centre collaborateur de l'OMS pour la sécurité et l'engagement des patients - Institut canadien pour la sécurité des patients

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