Manitoba considering healthcare premiums to help fund health system

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septembre 13, 2017

Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister is entertaining the idea of introducing a healthcare tax residents would have to pay based on income that would go directly into healthcare spending. Pallister didn't say how much Manitobans could be paying if the plan goes ahead, but said residents will have to start paying healthcare premiums or prepare to see services cut. The provincial government said the premiums could help maintain the level of care following changes to the rate at which federal health transfers will go up over the next several years. The government posted an online survey to gather input from Manitobans on the plan. The survey also includes questions about the upcoming legalization of cannabis.
Related News:
Pallister government considering healthcare premiums - Winnipeg Free Press
Manitobans must pay health premiums or face cuts to services: premier - CBC News
'It's most certainly a tax increase': Manitoba premier considering healthcare premiums - Global News

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