Cell phone said to be most significant innovation in healthcare

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Expérience des soins
septembre 10, 2017

Ting Shih, CEO and founder of ClickMedix, says the biggest recent breakthrough in healthcare is the mobile phone. He says smartphones are affordable so almost anybody in the world can have access, and this has transformed healthcare. Today, two-thirds of the world's population has a mobile connection, and thanks to the growing mHealth industry they're using their phones to manage their health. About 1% of all Google searches are related to diagnosing health problems - prompting Google to boost its symptom-searching capabilities. These searches can lead to government-run health portals, such as the HHS, NIH or to privately owned niche sites. According to a 2015 WHO report, more than 400 million people across the globe lack access to essential health services, such as immunizations, treatment for tuberculosis or prenatal care and that lack of access can be deadly. 

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