Experts point to need to establish common goals, share expertise between countries to strengthen family medicine across Europe

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Expérience des soins
août 22, 2017

This study investigated the opinions of council members of the European Academy of Teachers in General Practice (EURACT) on necessary actions to strengthen the position of general practice/family medicine (GP/FM) across Europe in their country. EURACT representatives from European countries were asked to evaluate the status of GP/FM in their country on four dimensions. There was substantial agreement on actions needed to strengthen GP/FM among respondents, with the proposed actions oriented towards two main themes:

  1. To improve the quality of GP/FM as a profession; and
  2. To optimize the circumstances under which the GP’s work is carried out.

Actions to improve quality focused on two main tasks:

  1. To build and secure GP/FM as an academic discipline comprising teaching and research; and
  2. To develop GP/FM as a clinical specialty.
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