CMHA position paper suggests psychiatric-MAiD should be illegal

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Expérience des soins
septembre 07, 2017

The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) doesn't support federal medical assistance in dying (MAiD) legislation because it doesn't specifically bar mental health patients from eligibility. The association contends that it doesn't want MAiD to become a substitute for mental health treatment and supports. In a position paper, the CMHA makes the following recommendations to the federal government:

  • Ensure patient-centred, recovery-oriented practices are implemented within the mental health and addictions system;
  • Continue to invest in community mental health and addictions services and supports;
  • Develop and fund the implementation of a national suicide prevention strategy; and
  • Invest in research to better predict the course of illness in mental health and substance abuse.

Autres nouvelles:
Document de position de l’ACSM sur l’assistance médicale en décès - Association canadienne pour la santé mentale

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