Federal government releases Pan-Canadian framework on antimicrobial resistance

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Expérience des soins
septembre 07, 2017

The federal government's Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Use: A Pan-Canadian Framework for Action was developed with provinces and territories and other key partners in the human and animal health sectors. The framework aims to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the country, and identifies opportunities for action and desired outcomes under four pillars:

  1. Surveillance,
  2. Stewardship,
  3. Infection prevention and control, and
  4. Research and innovation.

A Pan-Canadian Action Plan will be developed to define specific commitments, measurable outcomes, and timeframes to put the Framework into use.
Autres nouvelles:
Le gouvernement du Canada publie un cadre pancanadien sur la résistance aux antimicrobiens - Gouvernement du Canada

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