New Brunswick collaboration aims to increase local food in schools

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Santé de la population
septembre 12, 2017

Collaboration in Agrifood New Brunswick (CANB) has received support from both provincial and federal governments for its efforts to ensure school cafeterias are feeding students fresh food grown by local farmers and producers. The collaboration of non-profits, farmers, and food-service providers has met its first deadline to bring 16 schools a local food delivery service. Another 93 schools across the province that can join the program. The kitchen at Carrefour Beausoliel, a French school in Miramichi, will become the hub of processing fresh food for use throughout the winter months by schools across the province. CANB's idea is to have many smaller farms providing a portion of a demand that's expected to grow exponentially. CANB explained with the steady and substantial buying power of schools directed more locally, small farmers can increase their yield. It also foresees multiple distribution points around the province, with the first being in Moncton.
Autres nouvelles:
Des aliments locaux dans 16 écoles du Nouveau-Brunswick - ICI Radio-Canada

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