New Brunswick registers lowest households incomes in Canada: StatsCan

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Santé de la population
septembre 13, 2017

Statistics Canada figures indicate that New Brunswick households are earning less than anywhere in the country, even though income levels in the province have grown at a slightly faster rate than the national average over the last decade. StatsCan also reveals N.B. is still grappling with some of the highest rate of children living in low-income households, specifically in Saint John and Moncton, and that New Brunswickers aren't saving money compared to elsewhere in the country. The data pegs New Brunswick's median household income at $59,347, in 2015, while Alberta registered the highest median household income at $93,835. New Brunswick's median income level is growing faster than the Canadian average, with its median total income of growing from $53,483 in 2005 to $59,347 in 2015, or 11%, compared to the Canadian average of 10.8%, from $63,457 to $70,336. A total of 14% of Canadians were in low-income households in 2015, with that figure standing at 17.1% for New Brunswick.
Autres nouvelles:
Le revenu des ménages au Canada : faits saillants du Recensement de 2016 - Statistique Canada
Les Néo-Brunswickois touchent les revenus les plus bas au pays - ICI Radio-Canada
Des revenus à la hausse, mais pas pour tous les Canadiens - ICI Radio-Canada
Les ménages néo-brunswickois ont le revenu le plus faible au pays - Acadie Nouvelle
N.B. has lowest median income in Canada, say latest census figures - Huddle
N.B. households earn less than rest of Canada - Telegraph-Journal

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