New Brunswick to turn management of Tele-Care, Extra-Mural health services to Medavie Health Services

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septembre 01, 2017

A 10-year deal to turn over administration of New Brunswick's 8-1-1 Telehealth service and the Extra-Mural nursing program to Medavie Health Services has been announced by the provincial government, thereby integrating the services of Ambulance New Brunswick, the Extra-Mural Program and Tele-Care 811 to help manage primary healthcare needs. The public service entity will be managed by Medavie Health Services New Brunswick in hopes of providing better coordination and collaboration among healthcare providers through a team approach. Other anticipated results include more person-centred care for patients, improved prevention and management of chronic conditions, more appropriate use of ambulance transportation, and fewer emergency room visits and hospitalizations.
Autres nouvelles:
Regroupement des ressources de soins de santé primaires - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick
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Privatisation de la gestion de l'extra-mural : la qualité des soins est menacée, selon Vitalité - ICI Radio-Canada
Privatisation en santé au N.-B. : le ministre Boudreau persiste et signe - ICI Radio-Canada
Privatisation de l'extra-mural: Vitalité «extrêmement déçu» et «inquiet» - Acadie Nouvelle
Déclaration de la commissaire aux langues officielles du Nouveau-Brunswick, Katherine d’Entremont - Commissaire aux langues officielles du Nouveau-Brunswick
Statement by Katherine d’Entremont, Commissioner of Official Languages for New Brunswick - Commissioner of Official Languages for New Brunswick
'Major concerns' about privatized management of extramural, Tele-Care - CBC News
Province hands extra-mural, tele-care management to Medavie - Times & Transcript (sub. req.)
N.B. moves extra-mural program, Ambulance New Brunswick to private management - Global News
Privatization of extramural nursing an 'erosion of care,' union says - CBC News

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