New Brunswick restructures Office of Chief Medical Officer of Health

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août 31, 2017

The provincial government is restructuring the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health by moving some of its daily operations to other departments. Health minister Victor Boudreau said the office's mandate will remain the same, but some of its daily operations will be overtaken by other departments to improve collaboration and "pool together similar professional sets of expertise within government." Meanwhile, the public health practice and population health branch will become part of the Department of Social Development, while the healthy environments branch will be integrated with the Department of Environment and Local Government. The Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health's core functions are to promote, assess and protect the health of the population in New Brunswick, to prevent disease and injury, and to oversee public health emergency preparedness and response.
Autres nouvelles:
Restructuration en vue d’une meilleure harmonisation de l’expertise gouvernementale - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick
Restructuration du bureau du médecin-hygiéniste en chef du N.-B. - ICI Radio-Canada
Province restructures Office of Chief Medical Officer of Health - CBC News

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