Scotland unveils pharmacy services strategy to improve patient-centred care

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août 21, 2017

The Scottish government's Achieving Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care is a plan to strengthen the role of pharmacy in hospital, general practice and the wider community. It aims to transform the role of pharmacy across all areas of practice, increase capacity, and offer the best possible person-centred care. NHS Education for Scotland will provide an education and training program to equip pharmacists to deliver clinical care in all settings through independent prescribing and advanced clinical skills. The effort will include development of a learning pathway for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working in general practice, and implementing clinically-focused training programs for newly qualified pharmacists working in all sectors. The effort is part of the government's priority to provide every GP practice with access to a pharmacist with advanced clinical skills by 2021.
Related News:
Scottish pharmacy services strategy revealed - OnMedica
NHS Scotland looks to paperless prescriptions and more automation in pharmacies - Diginomica

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